Please contact us for more information
How Aspals can helpWhether you require someone who understands the legal nuances of what the military requires, or are a civilian firm looking to undertake work with the Ministry of Defence, or are engaging in a project in remote and/or challenging areas, Aspals consultancy is available to help you with advice tailored to the specific role being undertaken and the operating environment. Know your duties, rights and your protections. These are situation-specific matters where no one answer necessarily fits all. Be sure your personnel are well briefed and trained before they deploy to less secure regions. Our assistance will cover: Security; Methods/Processes; Analysis; Risk; Training.
Changing Environment: We recognise that you may be operating in challenging and fluid environments. Whatever the case, you will not operate in a legal vacuum. International treaty obligations under International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights law will very much guide your planning, strategy and response. Civilian protections, self defence, jurisdiction, Technical Agreements and freedom of movement are just some of the areas in which companies can be assisted by the experience of Aspals to ensure that their staff, equipment and interests are protected properly. Input from an experienced military lawyer can provide a significant insight into business priorities and strategies. While we can "firefight" to help when things go wrong, we like to be in at the beginning to make sure that, in so far as possible, your plans turn out successfully and are shaped according to the operating environment. Our mission is your success.
Professional: For lawyers wishing to find out more about the UK military justice system, or who are about to defend a serviceman in a court martial, one-to-one consultancy or tailor-made presentations will provide you with what you need to know. This can be deliverd "in person" or via Zoom© or Teams©.
Other Services: Speech or a presentation? Drawing on years of experience in advocacy and formal presentations at all levels, your script will be prepared, with any necessary slides. Advice can be provided on how to deliver them with confidence, for best effect. Court witness: Whether a subject matter expert or a witness as to fact, assistance can be given to help you give evidence with confidence, to get your points across and to thereby assist the court. (Please do not confuse this with 'witness coaching', which is not given).
Find out more: To find out how we can provide you with support and assistance for your project or training, please write to us at this link.
Military/Commercial Interface
Military/Commercial Interface  Even a post-conflict environment is seldom totally bereft of any commercial structures and the need to engage on behalf on the force or the civilian support agencies. In negotiation for fresh supplies, fuel, power, warehousing, etc there is a need to have strong legal support. The same principle applies to negotiations with government agencies where having a military lawyer who is au fait with terminology and systems can prove to be invaluable in delivering the right solution at the beginning of a project/contract.
Military Law/IHL Instruction
Military Law/IHL Instruction  For Service Justice practitioners, instruction can be provided about the Service Justice System and the most commonly used offences in both Summary and Court Martial Proceedings, from one of the team that helped shape the 2006 Act. CPD can be arranged, if required.
In operational law: Instruction at all levels to foster a good understanding of IHL (Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocols, And Hague Rules) and the duties placed upon all combatants. In addition, the impact of Human Rights law (including the ECHR) on IHL, once thought to be the governing law of combat, and how those in support of forces engaged in combat ops are impacted even with Allied non-party states. This has ramifications for commercial ops, too.
Security Operations
Security Operations
 Instruction on the applicable law governing your tasks, self defence, Rules of Engagement, criminal jurisdiction, IHL compliance, military interface, and all operational areas where the experience of an Op lawyer, who understands the environment, is vital to ensure the success of your assignments. Is your contract human rights compliant?
ISO 18788:2015 §A.2.1 states that "legal advice should be sought before conducting security operations in any particular environment."
All project reports are prepared to ensure compliance with international law.
Past Projects/Experience
 Operational experience as a deployed lawyer to conflict zones, as legal adviser in Counter Terrorism Ops, War Crimes, Diplomatic Clearances for EU Military Aircraft, Advice to NGOs and academics on military criminal law, legal impact of NGO tracking in AOR, Advice to commercial organisations dealing with MoD, Military Justice instruction to legal practitioners, International law projects on hybrid war and cyber threats, Op Planning, MoU negotiation and drafting, ROE application, interface and advice at inter-governmental level, advising government on hybrid threats, submissions to House of Commons Defence Committee and the Joint Committee on Human Rights, Presentations on IHL & Human Rights to International Military Forces, assistance to TV, radio and press, Expert reports for ICJ proceedings ... and much more.